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White paper

Using social impact bonds to fund type 2 diabetes prevention

ByChristine Mytelka, Robbie Richards, Diana Dodu, Dan Mulhern, David Clove, Lauren Hodges, Jana Bourne, Doreen Acampora, and Ida Bindea
17 February 2025

Diabetes prevention is a critical public health priority, due to its significant impact on people’s health and financial well-being. Preventing diabetes can significantly reduce financial burdens on both the individual and healthcare systems. This paper demonstrates how a program such as a social impact bond can be used in the United States to fund a diabetes intervention program that reduces the cost burden of the disease, improves health outcomes, and produces a favorable return to the investor. Our paper includes the following sections: 

  • What is a social impact bond?
  • The model’s construction and assumptions
  • Model results & discussion
  • Appendix: Savings projections

Christine Mytelka

David Clove

Lauren Hodges

Jana Bourne

Doreen Acampora

Ida Bindea

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