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Which highway safety factors have the strongest association with injury?

ByOlivia Esterlis, Jill Rosenblum, Kayla Spitzner, Ora Suslovich, William Torres, Tim Vosicky, Cindy Yang, Liz Young, and Yoel Zuman
9 April 2019

Recently, Milliman challenged its actuaries and data scientists to use the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s publicly available database on crash data to model which highway safety factors have the strongest association to crashes that involve one or multiple injuries. Participants, including some from Eckler, Milliman’s associate firm in Canada, used the company’s internal predictive analytics software, SOLYS™, to create four detailed reports, each containing quite different – but valuable – findings.

Predictors of automobile accident injuries with SOLYS, a collaborative analytics platform

By Gene Dan, Olivia Esterlis, Tony Huang, Ora Suslovich, Cindy Yang and Yoel Zuman

Predictive analytics uncovers most influential factors behind car accidents

By William Torres, Tim Vosicky and Jill Rosenblum

Driving midday in January wearing your seatbelt

By Liz Young and Kayla Spitzner

Predictive analytics using SOLYS software: Analysis of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Crash Report Sampling System

By Dane Grand Maison (Eckler) and Zeyue Niu

Olivia Esterlis

Ora Suslovich

Cindy Yang

Liz Young

Yoel Zuman

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