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Automated daily solvency monitoring: An efficient and actionable solution

1 November 2012
Working with The Phoenix Group, Milliman has developed an efficient and effective system for monitoring solvency on a daily basis, enabling management to see and respond to solvency-related risks in hours instead of in weeks or months. The solution combines advances in cloud computing, the power of Milliman’s MG-ALFA® financial modeling tool, and a well-designed analytical process to enable true daily solvency monitoring, resulting in significant risk management, agility, and competitive advantages. The system is designed to give managers easy access to actionable knowledge, supporting more active and engaged risk management practices. This unique solution also helps companies grow to better understand and manage solvency drivers over time. By observing which factors are most dynamic and which have the most impact on the bottom line, companies come to understand the elasticity and volatility of the risks they manage.

Chuck Coatsworth

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