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2023 Milliman Medical Index

25 May 2023

Why is healthcare getting more expensive?

Each year, the Milliman Medical Index analyzes insurance claims to estimate how much money families—and their employers—can expect to spend annually on healthcare.

For 2023, we project that costs will grow about 5.6% from 2022. A mix of pressures, including staffing shortages and supply chain challenges, likely contributed to this increase.

Figure 1: Annual healthcare cost for MMI family of four2

For more details, see the full report.

How much will your healthcare cost this year?

Enter your location and family characteristics below to estimate your total healthcare costs, including the portion of your healthcare spending that will go to your premium, doctor visits, out-of-pocket expenses, and prescriptions.

About the Milliman Medical Index

Since 2005, the Milliman Medical Index (MMI) has analyzed the projected total cost of healthcare for a hypothetical family of four covered by an employer-sponsored preferred provider organization (PPO) plan.

Unlike many healthcare cost reports, the MMI measures the total cost of healthcare benefits, not just the employer’s share of the costs, and not just premiums.

Get more in-depth data and analysis

Download the full report

1 A “hypothetical family of four,” for the purposes of this research, consists of a 47-year-old male, a 37-year-old female, and children ages 4 and 1. In reality, family compositions vary, and their healthcare expenses will depend on location, health conditions, and many other factors.

2 This year’s MMI is based on 2021 healthcare claims data projected forward to 2023 using estimated healthcare cost trends. With this approach, we estimate the 2023 MMI value and restate the 2022 and 2021 MMI values to reflect information collected since last year’s publication.

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